26 days until my tour starts.
I’ve been sharing the fuck out of the indie go go
and yes if you think it’s annoying seeing me tweet or facebook about it Trust me it’s worse for me. I hate asking for help. It’s not my thing at all. Mainly we can thank my father for that little bit of life damage. But 26 days until I hit the road, I was sending out press releases and shit last night. Zoe wrote this amazing press release (she’s such a good writer) and then I caught myself. I looked over at my cat who has been eating something I’m not sure what she was eating but I know she was probably not allowed to eat it because I could see her grinning as she ate it (what a bitch).
But I caught myself, I ALMOST GAVE A FUCK!
Like sending these emails to the Huffblahblah and NPzzzzzBoring and Cool Comedy Site…like it would matter.
These sites don’t give a shit about me. I mean A lot of them don’t know who I am and you know what?
I’m down to keep it that way.
I like the idea of showing up to your city like a tornado you’ll have a little bit of a warning but in the end theres nothing you can do. I’m going to drank all your beers and I’m going to eat all of your bacon and fall asleep in a park somewhere.
So I guess as my first Tour Diary entry, I like to say.
Hey my name is Davon Magwood, If you don’t know me cool. I’m still coming to your town. So hide the things you love because daddys riding greyhound and once I get off that greyhound I’m getting drunk in that town i’m telling jokes; you’ll laugh or I’ll piss you off, then I’m getting back on the greyhound to sleep of the fucking hangover in just enough time to get of the shitty bus to do it all over again.
I am pumped to get on the road. We are going to Laugh, We are going to party, We are not going to give one single fuck! Because really who cares what anyone thinks?
Life’s too short to give a fuck!
See yinz on the road!