
Check It Out W/Davon Magwood

Hey guys and gals.

The internet is filled with so much shit these days. So I took it upon myself to got thru all of the shit to find things that are worth checking out. This will happen every Friday.

This Friday, I am featuring a web series that I think is awesome. It’s titled “Damaged”.

Damaged is an animated web series about two broken robots adopted by humans. Created by comedian Liz Miele, characters designed by Adam Record and animated by Ben Luce and Grant Lindahl!

Why should you check it out? Because I fucking said so. JOKING(or am I?)

This web series is beautifully animated. It’s witty, and oh yeah there’s Robots!

Take a break from your Jenna Marbles bender and watch this new web series which was mainly funded by kickstarter.

You’ll love it. The videos are short so don’t worry you can get back to watching “twerk” videos and hood fights.

See you next week. Send me stuff that you think would be cool for any future “Check It Outs” emails put “check it out submission” in the title.
